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Traditional architectural renderers

A lot of architects
Traditional architectural renderers, digital architectural renderers and interior designers of my generation are ignore the opportunity that is social media, and we're losing potential business because of it. 

We know we should have created four or five basic accounts and begun posting simple stuff to them on a regular basis, but we haven't made the time for it.

We believe 
it is our purpose to passionately illustrate our client's architectural design ideas while providing a reassuring level of comfort and dependability.

Even in this digital design age, there is a place for the loose architectural rendering. 
It is fast where other architectural rendering techniques are slow. It is non-commital, 
where digital rendering has to be precise in order to look good. It's also not a bad metaphor for life

Loose architectural renderings and sketches are still one of the most important architectural rendering techniques. 

In this example, the author uses felt tip pen to work directly on top of the soft pencil sketch used to visualize the space and develop the design before the architect's eyes. 

This insures that the sketch stays loose and that one's attitude toward the rendering does not become too precious.

As digital modeling 
and architectural digital rendering
continue to chnage our industry for the better, the arts of architectural rendering and architectural sketching in watercolor, pencil, and pen-and-ink become huge asstes in the constant battle to stand out among competitors all using the same digital tools.
